Benefitting the People of Edmonton

To mark CADTH’s 30th anniversary, the organization launched a new initiative – HTA Gives Back – at their annual Symposium, held in Edmonton earlier this year. Rather than purchasing thank you gifts for speakers and volunteers, they decided to redirect the funds to a local registered charity in Edmonton, as well as donate an [...]

2019-06-03T11:18:04-06:00June 3rd, 2019|Press, Stories|

Volunteering: It’s a Joy – Carol Milner

Carol with Hospice Day Program client, Darlene For me, volunteering for Pilgrims Hospice Society as a massage therapist is all about the people. Offering a bit of comfort and a listening ear to those who are going through incredibly tough challenges. Massage can play an important part in end-of-life care, providing comfort [...]

2019-04-09T11:52:02-06:00April 9th, 2019|Day Program, Volunteer Stories|

Celebrating Care and Kindness – Donna McIsaac: Coordinator, Volunteer Services

National Volunteer Week (April 7-13), is an opportunity to highlight the amazing contributions volunteers make in all walks of life. Each volunteer is an essential part of our team, appreciated every day, and Pilgrims Hospice Society couldn’t do the work we do without their selflessness. I am struck by such an incredibly diverse, talented [...]

2019-04-09T11:52:43-06:00April 9th, 2019|Uncategorized, Volunteer Stories|

The Spiritual Side of Bereavement

We are often asked whether Pilgrims Hospice Society is affiliated with a particular religion. The answer is no – but we welcome people from all faiths and backgrounds, and those without any religious beliefs. In his short article, The Spiritual Side of Bereavement, Dr. Kenneth J. Doka, (Senior Consultant to the Hospice Foundation of [...]

2019-02-14T11:39:20-07:00February 14th, 2019|Grief & Bereavement, Stories|

A Valentine’s Message

It must be LOVE... It's called hospice It’s hope and more… More than traditional healthcare – it’s providing solutions for difficult times when hope is in question, it’s being close in a time of fear, it’s a friend with time to share, it’s laughter in the midst of tears, it’s dignity… it’s humanity… it’s [...]

2019-02-14T11:33:42-07:00February 14th, 2019|Stories|

Dave Williams – A Hospice Story

Dave Williams is a beloved figure in the city and client of our Adult Respite Day Program. “Where I live, there isn’t an opportunity to have a conversation with people, so this is a godsend. Coming here, it won’t ever help my disease. It just helps me, having a place to come and visit among [...]

2018-05-17T11:09:48-06:00April 19th, 2018|Client Stories|

So much more than our Gala MC!

“As death is something we all face, it behooves us all to learn about it and contribute to hospice care while we’re able,” says retired radio host Sharon Mallon. After taking early retirement at the age of 53, it didn’t take long for Sharon to be “done with the retirement thing” and to become actively [...]

2018-03-23T12:27:29-06:00March 23rd, 2018|Featured Volunteer, Stories|

Is it Tuesday Yet?

Since her illness, and before receiving Compassionate Companion visits, life for Margaret could be summed up in one word: “Boring.” She's “cheated death” at least once but now is practically housebound. Her loving husband, Norman, takes great care of her, but for Margaret: “It’s a blessing that Janet comes over - to have someone to [...]

2018-02-13T15:27:16-07:00February 12th, 2018|Client Stories, Compassionate Companions, Volunteer Stories|
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