Our Board of Directors

Pilgrims Hospice Society is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors. Its members are entrusted to work collectively, providing leadership and direction to the organization. Their dedication and compassion guides our development and ensures planned growth that helps Pilgrims Hospice Society ease the burden of end-of-life care for many families.

Pilgrims Hospice Society’s fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31 each year and our Annual General Meeting usually takes place in the Spring. Pilgrims Hospice Society is a registered charitable organization.


Chair: Garnet Clark, MBA, CMA
Vice Chair: Carole Anctil-Michalyshyn, BA, LLB
Treasurer: Sharilee Fossum, MBA, CPA, CMA, ICD.D

Secretary: Audrey Hanna, BCom
Chief Executive Officer: Monica Robson


Dr. Wendy Dawson, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Patrick LaForge
Kevin O’Neil,
B.Sc.(AGR.), M.Sc.

Elizabeth Taylor, PhD, OT(C), FCAOT
Kim Wallin, CPA, CA
Jeanne Weis, MN, RN, LPN, CHPCN(C)

Board Emeritus

Marion Boyd, B.Sc, N, M.Ed

Dr. Helen Hays, CM, AOE, MD

Board Support

Cheryl Waldo
Senior Executive Assistant & Board Liaison